Stage adaptation and direction Sergey Zhenovach
Set design Alexander Borovsky
Lighting design Damir Ismagilov
Composer Gregory Gobernik
The first night 2006, May, 24
2006 was marked by the first new production of The Theatre Art Studio – “A Family in Decline” (“Zakhudaly Rod”) after the novel by N. Leskov. The production turned out to be a two-time prize winner of the Golden Mask award in the nominations of Best Small Scale Production and Best Director while the leading actress Maria Shashlova was awarded the special prize.
The ensemble of young actors presents a moving story of an old Russian family in decay, a story about the loss of faith as well as one’s balance in life. At first sight the expressive means of the production may seem extremely reserved: laconic scenography, a dusky stage. The attention of the audience is completely drawn to the story about the days of long ago. This production offers an opportunity to get to know the present throughout the past.
“Sergey Zhenovach’s story of a brilliant family in decay is full of drama, still the accents are slightly displaced in order to put the topic of Russian nobility in decline into the background. “A Family in Decline” is a production about the strength of spirit and genuine nobleness, it is a production which hails these qualities and doesn’t mourn them. “A Family in Decline” is a real triumph of the theatre which has lately been labeled old-fashioned, out-of-date and has almost been removed into the dusty wings. Sergey Zhenovach brought a group of marvelous actors on the stage and those actors in their turn simply and casually touched the best strings of human soul which responded with music”.
The Vzglyad newspaper
Running time 3h 50 min with intermission